


November 30 day challenges

  1. Make a list of 10 things that make you happy

  2.  Write something someone told you about yourself that you have never forgotten

  3.   Write about Your top 3 pet peeves Super busy weekend so started late

  4. Write about someone who inspires you

    The Person who inspires me most has to be my cousin. She has gone through so much in her life yet she still keeps her head up and is working on getting her degree.

  5.   List 5 places you want to visit

    1. Italy

    2. Blue hole

    3. Stonehenge

    4. Australia

    5. somewhere to see the Northern lights

  6.   Write about 5 ways to win your heart

    This one is hard for me as I am not quite sure how to do that. My ideal partner would be intelligent, witty, able to put up with my crap, nerdy, and know a lot about me.

  7. , List 10 songs that you love right now

    Monster- All time Low

     Stay -Cover by No Resolve

    Ludia- Highly Suspect

    Bang- AJR

    Say my Name- Beetlejuice Musical

    This probably wont end well- All that remains

    Dreams- Fleetwood Mac

    Always with me- Spirited away

    The rising sun- Shinske Enterance theme

    Frozen epic mix

  8. Write about something you struggle with.

     One thing that I have always struggled with is my self confidence. A lot of days I ust ignore it but some days are harder than others,

  9. What are some words of wisdom that speak to you

     My best friend once said "Try everything twice, three times if you liked it." This has become my official life motto,  The first time you try something you are so nervous that you don't actually enjoy it to the fullest, but the second time you try something those nerves are gone and you can actually see if you enjoy it or not.

  10.   Write about something for which you feel strongly

    One thing I feel strongly about is woman's rights to their own bodies. I feel that no one should be able to tell someone else how to live especially if you are a different gender. I am tired of old white men controlling what women are allowed to do with their own bodies.

  11. Write about something you always think “What if” about

    One thing I always think what if about is moving to Wyoming for college. What would my life be like now if i had never moved

  12. Write about five blessings in your life

    I  am blessed to have a roof over my head

    I am blessed to have a good job

    I am blessed that my family is accepting of who I am

    I am blessed to be independent

    I am blessed to have good friends who have similar interests

    I am blessed to not be addicted to anything and have my life together

  13. Write about what you are excited about

    I am excited for December, while I am impartial to christmas a lot of things will be happening. It will be the 1 year anniversery of  me moving, My friend will be moving in with us, and I will be going down to see my cousin.

  14.   Write about your favorite movie you never get tired of

    I could watch Across the universe every day and never get tired of it. 

  15. Bullet point your entire day

    --this happened to fall on my day off so lets go!

    woke up at 3 am because I fell asleep early 

    Took my dog for an early morning walk

    Finished my achievements on Boyfriend Dungeon

    Played some Far Cry 5

    when my roommate left for work I finally got up and worked around the house. 

    sorted out my dirty laundry and decided I could put it off a week

    Made my bed and cleaned up things on the floor

    read for a few hours

    straightened up downstairs

    emptied the dishwasher and refilled it,

    deep cleaned the counters and sink 

    took out the trash

    my friend came up and we went to goodwill

    came home and had a snack realizing I hadn't eaten all day and it was 2pm

    went with my friend to a job interview and sat in my car reading

    went to my roommate's work and bought a gift for my dad while talking to all of them for a while

    grabbed Taco bell on the way home

    Gave my friend his Birthday gift

    watched a lot of you tube

    one of my roommates friends came  over

    watched more you tube till my roommate and his other friend arrived

    D&D TIME!!!!

    go up stairs change and pass out 

  16.   Write about something that you miss

    I miss not having to worry about every aspect of my life

  17.   Write about your zodiac sign and whether it fits you or not

    I feel on the fence about this one

    I am a pieces and while I fit some of the criteria I tend to do the opposite of others. 

  18. list 30 facts about yourself

    1 My eyes change from Blue to grey

    2 I live with 2 boys

    3I am an only Child

    4I prefer dogs over cats

    5I am allergic to peanut butter but not peanuts

    6I work overnights

    7I did senior care for 8 years

    8 I am a certified scuba diver

    9I know how to pick locks

    10 I only learned how to use a planner this year

    11 I have been to 38 states

    12 I have been to 6 countries

    13 I have dual citizenship

    14 My best friend is my cousin

    15 My most recent ex was twice my age

    16 I am demisexual but don't care what gender my partner is

    17 I used to do ballet

    18 I prefer dressing goth

    19 I am Astaru

    20 My other best friend is in jail for something he didn't do

    21 I study religions in my free time

    22 I worked for National Geographic for a summer

    23I have been a sugar baby

    24 I have been in the BDSM community for a while

    25 I don't like dating

    26 I love video games

    27 I went to college in WY

    28 I didn't get my license till I was 18

    29 I don't eat much red meat and even then I prefer meatless dishes

    30 I make horrible jokes all the time because making people laugh makes me happy

  19. Write about your first love

    I actually don't remember my first love

  20.   List 3 celebrity crushes

    George Eeds

    Emma Stone


  21. Write about three lessons you want your children to learn from you

    I would want my children to learn money management, happiness, and self- reliance

  22. Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs

    I dont have a lot of music on my phone so I just put my Pandora on shuffle 

    1 Lone Digger- Caravan Palace

    2 Uncover- Zara Larson

    3 Over the hills and far away- Nightwish

    4Det var Julenissen (Norwegian)- Katastrofe

    5 Cradles - Sub Urban

    6 Red is the rose - The High Kings

    7 Breezeblocks- Alt-J

    8 Popular Monster- Falling In Reverse

    9 Unity- TheFatRat

    10 Come Monday- Jimmy Buffett

  23. Write a letter to someone

  24. Write about a lesson you learned the hard way

    I learned the hard way that not everyone who is in your life and is an authority figure has your best intentions at heart. 

  25.  think of a word, google it, write something inspired by the 11th image

  26. Write about an area in your life you would like to improve

  27.   Write about something you're kicking ass at right now

  28. Write about five things that make you laugh out loud

  29. Write about your goals for the next 30 days

  30.   Write about your highs and lows of the month


    November 1, 2021- Daily starting Balance=113.91,751.02

    -88.67 - Water Bill

    November 2, 2021- Daily starting Balance=25.24,751.02

    +7.74- Walmart Return

    November 3, 2021- Daily starting Balance=32.98,751.02

    -14.02- Prime

    November 4, 2021- Daily starting Balance=18.96,751.02

    -21.57 Hulu

    -10.30 Gameloft

    -10.30 Gameloft

    -10.30 Gameloft

    November 5, 2021- Daily starting Balance=-2.61,781.92

    -19.57 i Interest

    -10.30 Gameloft

    -10.30 Gameloft

    -10.30 Gameloft

    -63.79 -Amazon 

    -28.90 -Conqueror Challenge 

    +1252.82 -Paycheck

    -13.99 Netflix

    -948 - Cash Envelopes 

    November 6, 2021- Daily starting Balance= 288.22

    November 7, 2021- Daily starting Balance=288.22

    36.00- Target

    November 8, 2021- Daily starting Balance=288.22

    -25.00- Vanguard

    -35.00- Walmart

    -40.00 Amazon

    +36.00 -Return Target

    November 9, 2021- Daily starting Balance= 188.65

    -32.56- King Soopers 155.66 

    November 10, 2021- Daily starting Balance=155.66,910.95

    -92.25- Tmobile 

    10.30- Gameloft

    10.30- Gameloft

    November 11, 2021- Daily starting Balance= 63.41

    November 12, 2021- Daily starting Balance= 63.41

    -28.00 -Walmart

    10.30- Gameloft 

    November 13, 2021- Daily starting Balance=35.41

    November 14, 2021- Daily starting Balance=35.41,981.05


     Since I am doing cash keeping this going is starting to become a hassle so I will be stopping this portion and just continuing with the writing prompts 
I was not able to finish this one as I kept gettign distracted.


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